Column is an action-comedy series of graphic novels set in the near future during World War 3. It follows the crew of the Helcat, an M1A2 Abrams main battle tank, and chronicles their adventure across the globe.
Column is fun, colorful and action-packed! You can read the entire volume 1 for free by following the links below!

Unlike most graphic novels, Raw Blink Productions has decided to pioneer and include an audio component with each installment making Column a unique, multi-media experience. Expect to hear original music, as well as the character’s voices during special audio logs, allowing you to get inside their heads without the story getting bogged down with tons of internal monologuing. Our goal is to make the story flow more like an action movie and less like a melodrama.
Click the button below to hear the characters come to life!

The War Carries On!
We hope that you enjoy reading Column: Volume 1!
If you want to support us and make our plans for Column: Volumes 2 & 3 a reality, please consider supporting us on Patreon and/or purchasing a physical copy of Column in our store (or some of our other cool merch!).
We truly appreciate your support!
Tanks A Lot!